Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Closing the Gap: The Theory

Throughout the history of man, people have taken opposite sides on every kind of issue, especially war.  During the American Revolution, some people wanted freedom from Britain while other did not.  During the American Civil War, half of the country wanted to create their own country and the other half would not let them.  During World War I and II, we stayed neutral at the start but found ourselves fighting at the end.  War has many different sides, particularly whether one should be in it or not.  However, those two sides area luxury to us, since we find ourselves in another war, the War in Iraq.

The issue at hand at this current moment is should we leave or stay in Iraq.  Both are very conflicting views due to the fact that both sides have meaningful reasons.  Some people believe if we withdraw our troops from Iraq, we would stop using billions of dollars that could have been used to help our declining economy.  Others feel that we are still needed in Iraq due to our slow progress in Iraq these past several years.

I believe that these sides are too extreme for the current situations in Iraq.  With enough understanding, I feel that both sides can see that both of them are right but choosing one or the other is preposterous.  I believe, as I have stated in earlier blogs, that we still need to stay in Iraq long enough for them to take control of their own country and then leave as soon as possible.  However, most people do not see the "bridge," only the two "cliffs"....

1 comment:

Kia said...

Very good post. Those who think that we can immediately withdraw our troops now or those who think we should stay in Iraq forever are completely out of touch with reality. Taking either of those extremes will lead to greater problems for the US in the future. The best way for the US to be successful in Iraq is for us to withdraw our troops in phases. Staying in Iraq too long will only make the Iraqis more dependent on us for security. They must take responsibility and be able to protect their people and borders on their own. By withdrawing in phases we would allow the Iraqis a transition period. Also I believe it is important that we keep a small number of troops in Iraq for several years to come. These troops can help train Iraqi forces and also take on counterinsurgency missions. Thanks.