Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Extension

I read in an article from CNN that Britain and the United States must negotiate with the Iraqi government in order to let their forces remain in Iraq after the end of this year.  Britain stated that they plan to take some of their troops out of Iraq early next year.  However, the U. S. still has no plan for leaving Iraq yet.  This has somewhat to do with the Presidential Election in the next couple of weeks.  Our exit plan will solely rely on who our next President is (see earlier posts for candidates' views on Iraq).  Until next time...

1 comment:

Daniel said...


I read the article on msnbc that was cited in your post. Although Britain is planning to withdraw, President Blair seems as though he knows their stay in Baghdad has not been successful and the city is still unstable. Has Britain given up hope on establishing a democracy or is this a politically charged move?