Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In the Mirror: The Self Analysis

At the start of this blog project, I didn't really care that much for the Presidential Election.  "Why," you say?  I guess I felt that no matter what my opinions or values were, I would not be able to make any difference.  Now you might be saying, "Voting is a difference."  That is where my dreams are throw off the cliff because I CANNOT VOTE (bummer).  
So I felt, at first, that this project was some sort of ironic punishment.  However, the more I began to read about Iraq, the more I wanted to write about it.  Out of all the writing assignment I have had, I must honestly say that I enjoyed myself.  This assignment made me understand the importance of not just having a side but to be albe to evauate all sides and not use random assumptions that you have heard.  It allowed me to study my issue indepth so that i would be able to share with me classmates and answer their questions.  In a way, I started to actually become interested in the Presidential Election.  Even though I cannot vote, I can express my knowledge to people who like to assume things about the candidates rather than having evidence to support it.

At the start, I had strong feeling about us not entering Iraq, partially because of one of my relatives was sent there.  As I began to read more and write these blogs, my position began to sway a bit.  However I relized that I was focusing too much on the past and began to write about what our future holds with Iraq.  Instead judging the issue like I did at the start, I learned to take in different opinions in order to understand what the real issue was about.

And so with that, I encourage everyone who reads this blog to keep imformed with both sides of the issues that our country faces.  It may not seem that they affect you, however, our current economic status can tell you otherwise.  AND VOTE.  If not for yourself, then for the people in our country.

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