So in one of my previous blogs, I have stated severval times about the negoiations between Iraq and the U.S. and Britain about keeping their forces in Iraq after the end of the year. Iraq has responded by agreeing if they were allowed certain actions. One of them would be to restrict all U.S. attacks on countries surrounding Iraq (most likely a result of the Syria incident). I feel that this is a very bold move made by the Iraqi government. It shows that they do not want to be used by the U.S. for any kind of conflict that will draw more attention to themselves. I feel that Iraq is starting to stand on its own two feet once more. Do not mistake what I just said. I do not feel Iraq can "walk on its own" just yet.
I found video to encourage you to vote (if you haven't already). Don't worry if you cannot understand the rap. The lyrics are to the left of the video (click on more info). Enjoy.
It is great news that Iraq, the US, and Great Britain have come to an agreement over amount of troops. I think that is an exceptionally smart move by Iraq to include in the agreement that the US cannot strike outside Iraqi borders from within Iraq. This shows Iraqi neighbors that they are not a US puppet and that they are concerned for the security of their country and their neighbors'. Also many Middle Eastern news agencies are reporting that the US attack in Syria by Bush has political motives and I agree. It has been reported that US intelligence has been following the target for several months and have had many opportunities to strike, but haven't. Instead Bush saves this basically illegal attack for a such a sensitive period right before presidential elections where his party's nominee is losing in all polls. Can you also see this as being a political ploy?
I agree with Kia that this move is really smart (and good for the U.S. larger interests as well) in showing the region that Iraq is a sovereign nation. Our best interests are not served by our using Iraq as a giant U.S. base. This seems to relate back to your last post, Revan, wherein you note that U.S. troops are perceived in contradictory ways. It's important for us to be perceived, and to act, as anti-terrorist, stabilizing forces.
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