Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Beginning

So, after several months of campaigning, conflicts, and debates the time has finally come.  Today was the 2008 Presidential Election.  It was an intense couple of hours but the winner became clear early in the election.  So here it is.  With around 338 electorial votes the winner is:

Barack Obama
The 44th President of the United States

The course of our country's future now lies in the four years he will serve.  It will be long and difficult, but when has being a President been easy?  Many issues and challenges lie ahead for him wheither he likes it or not.  This is the end of my blog Fighting the "Enemy" yet a new beginning for our country.  Time for change.  So long.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Class Project

My blog is one of several from my English course and I am going to share a few:
  1. Middle East Politics in 2008 - This blog is very informative to the historical and religious background of the Middle East we know today.  I found his blog interesting, especially since my blog was on the War in Iraq.  It helps understand future of our country's foreign policy as a new President will be coming into office.
  2. Gun Rights - This blog is about gun rights.  I find this blog interesting because gun rights have not been mentioned that much throughout this election, but is still a major concern for most people.  This right sets the difference between life or death.  It even explains some of the history of gun rights.
  3. Renewable Fuels: Search and Transition - This blog deals with alternative sources of fuel that can end the dependence on foreign oil.  I find this blog interesting because of the different types of energy sources it talks about.  I feel that foreign oil is a major concern, especially when the prices of that oil rise.  Lots of Americans drive and when oil prices rise, so does gas prices.  Many people cannot afford such increases in fuel which makes it so important to start relying on other energy sources.